Before my hands start the ardent task of writing this short story for all to enjoy I wanted to say thank you to the ones that critiqued my work earlier. Writing these reality novels is such an undertaking and arduous task. You have no clue what it takes to convey what is around one’s self without the so called blustering, learned formats and conditions. To let the mind flow free to unconditionally express the truth is the greatest gift one can give to the world. As a man I am nothing but as an ideal or a philosophy I become a God.

Psychopathy is the subject of our challenge this time around and you wish us to look at these pictures to write fiction about something most people have no personal experience about. I can see the rational logic in that. You want so called normal people to step in the shoes of a psychopath or if possible see through the eyes of a betrayed mind.
The only problem with that request is that I don’t feel betrayed. I feel free. I believe it is your mind that is limited and small. All you see is your teachings and lessons. You can’t see the real life in a great piece of literature. Please don’t take that personally it just an observation. How about I make you a deal? I will do my best to fulfill your request and you remember that this time I separated my paragraphs.
If you were in the room with me right now you would see me smirking and giggling. In fact the reality is if you were in my room with me right now I would have already observed you inside and out. I would analyze and remember every piece of clothing, every micro-expression, every strand of hair even how you clear your throat and glance to the right to make sure you were close enough to the door just in case you needed to leave suddenly. Funny how people make wishes and when their wish is granted they are not happy with the outcome. It reminds me of an evil Jin. Your wish was granted but it came at a price.
Four-hundred and ninety-three words to go I better get to the point. Try and let your limited perception see me in a totally dark room twelve feet by twelve feet. Yes it has to be a square. I can’t stand rectangles. They’re not even. I am circling around a chair around and around. There in that chair is Michael. A sigh comes over me “Michael can you hear me baby. You know I love you.” Did I mention that his name is not Michael? To you he is just a faceless shape that you are trying to recognize in the blackness but to me he is my love, my angel and my beast.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I feel so deep in love. I needed him to protect me, to guide me, to show me things that no one ever wanted to. He accepted me as I am. He wanted to share my twelve by twelve universe and saw the same vision I did. I did everything he wanted me to. The word “no” did not come out of my mouth when he requested an answer. In my world I felt he was perfect.
Of course there is no such thing as perfect. I am sure that even with your limited mind you can understand perfect is a true delusion. So I traded one fantasy for another. I tried to become his perfect illusion. In the end when I needed him the most he allowed me to be raped by I believe twenty nameless faces while in the dark, tied up, screaming for his name to come rescue me but he never came.
It was all a sick game. He laughed when I told him what happened. “Yes baby and I enjoyed it very much.” That is what he said to me as I was wiping the blood from my legs and hoping to get a ounce of empathy from the man I love. It never came. At that point I became misunderstood. I wise man once told me that “There is no such thing as crazy just misunderstood” and at that point I became the most misunderstood person on the planet.
So now in the darkness you do not see the tears roll from my eyes and you understand now why it is dark. I do not need eyes to see Michael’s face. I do not need my senses to know when he is near me. I keep him close to me always.
You feel a breeze come from somewhere in the room but there are no windows so it couldn’t be the wind. It was my arm moving the blade in my hand fast enough to pierce Michael’s heart. Did I mention this was not Michael in the chair? I might have missed. Normally I wouldn’t have an audience when I am reminiscing about my lovely demons.
So do you now understand? Look at that I wrote exactly one thousand words. I told you I like things even.
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