Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What am I supposed to do?(Dedicated to Mollie Olgin and Kristene Chapa)

Am I supposed to pray for my enemy now they have attacked two of my own? I do not feel righteousness. Instead I feel a dark hand inside my spirit and I welcome this entity with open arms.

Am I supposed to look the other way, have another march for justice and pretend that this action is satisfactory in my soul. This time I don't feel forgiving. 

Am I supposed to choose not to see the lack of empathy for our sisters that were hurt in the name of a cause that another found just. I bet this was all done in the name of God. 

Am I supposed to agree that hate was not felt as the bullets moved through the grey matter in the minds of two that felt loving bonds and fluttering nights. 

Am I supposed to light another candle, another of my own murdered on the street. Dead...  Smile through the see of nameless faces probably looking and imagining the killer in front of my eyes.

Am I supposed to pretend that this does not affect me. Though I did not know my sisters personally I am family to them through a genetic marker that made us family. 

Am I supposed to grin, smile and bare it as if the community does not feel two energies less because it does.

Am I supposed to smile on a bright sunny day when I am obviously in the dark. It could be worse. I could be shot in the head alone in a park. 

Someone please tell me what I am supposed to do because I feel anguish in my heart because all of our lives are lessened by two.

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