Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The freedom of me

I just want to be me, free and all the things in-between. The things I do not see is not the fault of my eyes but of my being that cannot realize that spiritual is most important of all freedoms. What is freedom anyway? An indigent servant is not a slave but a man that wants to be free from the debt of the world. Am I a slave to freedom personified?

Freedom never told me about the sorrow or scars of pain upon my being that comes with the responsibility of woe. I never asked.  When I looked at freedom I told him that anyplace is better than where I am in my soul and he allowed me to move earth and space to see freedom in the face.

I see beyond getting a little freedom. Is that really freedom when the task masters move the fence back? Jump over the fence and be your own person if you want to. We will see how free your ass is when you are standing alone out on the ledge with only one choice in your good graces.

Freedom stands with brave men who are not brave because they did not feel fear. They are brave because they acted in spite of it. Is my bravery calculated in the unconditional payment one is obligated to when on the path of freedoms run?

When I am beaten down I am free, when I am unbalanced I am free, when I am not whole I am free. When all these conventions of chaos comes to complete form I turn to Lords of Order, for all these elements together; broken to whole makes up the freedom of me.

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