Friday, June 8, 2012

How many sticks and stones does it takes?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me unless people out there believe the words of others. How many sticks does it takes to break my bones anyway? I mean look at me.  Some people would consider me being uglier than sin, my legs are all scared up from running away from the people with stones trying to kill me as I am trying to say sweet words in the ear of my boyfriend who by chance has words harder than sticks to bust my heart in two.

Come to think of it, I am tired of sticks and stones. If I had brain one in my head I would bring a catapult to a sticks and stones fights rather than just ordinary sticks. At least that is showing some sort of ingenuity rather than flaky emotion that no one gives a rat's butt about.

So has anyone answered my question yet? How many sticks and stones does it take to break my bones? If you can't answer that than how many words does it take to destroy my heart?  How many ill words will it take to destroy my path of feeling?


Did you say say one?  For those of you that guessed one you are absolutely correct.  Give yourself a prize of rice a roni and condolences for life in its infinite wisdom decided love is not as powerful as truth. All it takes is one great organized piece of truth to destroy a path that someone can see themselves on. So for all of you that don't understand the tripe you will get there. It takes alot more sticks and stones than you believe to get the full understanding.


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